Instructus Markets

Dominic McMahon
27th February '13

We recently further developed the Instructus digital brand and website.

Instructus Markets are a London based financial trading education provider. We worked closely with them last year developing their brand. This was based on first defining a brand narrative from which we developed brand behaviours and expression. See our Instructus case study for more.

Brands, like the businesses they represent, are constantly growing and developing. Having reassessed their business needs, we helped Instructus rename as Instructus Markets, with a stronger focus on courses for specific targeted audiences.

Many of the brand behaviours still held so a complete redesign was not required, but we developed the logo in-line with the new name and restructured the site to fit with the new strategy.

The new homepage has more focussed content, making their offering clear, with refined typography and large imagery working together to appeal to a sophisticated audience.

Obvious calls to action for each target market make navigating the site quick and simple for users.

The courses overview pages are clear and use imagery as a visual signpost. Individual course pages offer an easy way for users to get in touch to find out more.

To see the full site, go to or see our Instructus case study